rest easy

Flexibility and reliability are at the very heart of our company. We are proud of these values, which are reflected in our products as well as our relationships with our employees, our partners and our customers. Not only will you rest well thanks to your Beaudoin bed, but your entire shopping experience will be made easier!

By harmonizing our decisions with our values, we have become the Canadian market leader in our field.

By harmonizing our decisions with our values, we have become the Canadian market leader in our field.

A proud Canadian manufacturer

A proud Canadian manufacturer

You work hard for your country and your planet. Well, so do we!

Buying Canadian helps create jobs for local people and contributes to our country’s financial health. Of course, you will help the local economy, but you’ll also acquire a product carefully manufactured with quality materials and according to very high standards.

Let’s be proud to encourage local businesses!

I shop Canada

An eco-friendly approach

Climate change is very real and it’s up to each of us to do our part for a better future.

At Beaudoin, we strive to limit our environmental impact by maximizing the use of our materials throughout the design and manufacturing process, thus reducing our waste to a minimum.

In addition, we have agreements with other businesses so that they can use our waste materials.

Design, quality and durability

Design, quality and durability

Your tastes change over time. Your once modern bedroom may suddenly seem out-dated! Your bed shouldn’t pose an obstacle to your desire for change. On the contrary, it must look great and be able to suit your preferences.

This is why Beaudoin offers a wide variety of products and versatile styles that easily match a range of decors.

Our people’s expertise and the quality materials we use guarantee you a flawlessly strong bed that will always be elegant, regardless of the trends.